Nov 11 – Veteran’s Day Dinner 5 to 7. Free dinner for all veterans and Non veterans $8.00. Open to the public. Please sign up at club to donate desserts.

Nov 15 - Hunters Opening Day  Breakfast 9 to 11am  for $5.00. Open to the public.

Nov 19 - Harvest Dinner 4:00pm  for $10.00. Tickets will be sold in advance at the club and at the door that day. Turkey
dinner and all the trimmings. Open to the public. Please sign up at club to donate appetizers and desserts (no pies needed). 

The annual Northern Lights parade is December 3 evening in Downtown Oscoda. We ask for volunteers to help with traffic control. It is an enjoyable time. Liz will have a sign up sheet posted at the club.

